
A Passion of Two Sisters and a Tale of Italian Artisan

In the heart of Italy, Civitavecchia – the Port of Rome – two sisters, Fabiana and Manola — discovered their shared love for leather. Their paths converged with destiny when they met an Italian artisan from Naples. 

His boutique family-based factory hummed with tradition, where each hide held stories of craftsmanship and resilience. Their hands deftly shaped raw hides into exquisite forms, bore the wisdom of generations—a legacy of leatherworking passed down through family lore. After this fateful encounter, Fabiana and Manola’s eyes sparkled with creativity and their journey began as a personal quest to the artisan: to craft leather bags that reflected their unique style and passion for aesthetics.

The sisters, fueled by their passion for leather and interior design, embarked on a collaboration. Together, they breathed life into their visions, shaping handmade leather bags that whispered elegance. These bags weren’t mere accessories; they were extensions of their souls.

Friends and acquaintances admired their handiwork, and soon, requests poured in. “Where can we buy these bags?” their friends asked. The sisters then realized they had stumbled upon something special.

In 2017, Fabiana and Manola decided to turn their passion into a business. They founded FABianaMARe, a boutique company that would blend Italian craftsmanship with contemporary flair. The name itself held significance: 

“Fabiana” one sister’s name,is derived from the Roman family name “Fabius”, which root lies in the Latin word “făba”, which means “bean”. The name Fabiana carries the essence of agriculture and cultivation, symbolizing growth and nurturing. So, when you hear the name Fabiana, envision a field of beans, each seed promising growth, beauty, and abundance. The name “Mare” – Sea in Italian – was chosen by the other sister Manola, an essayist and novelist born during a warm summer of Italy, who shares an intrinsic connection with the sea, as if the saltwater flows through her veins, echoing the timeless allure of maritime horizons, which are reflected in her romances. The name of Mare evokes the vastness of the sea—its boundless creativity.

FABianaMARe set up its first atelier in the bustling city of Dubai, where Fabiana lives since 2007.

The Birth of FABianaMARe (2017)